Advertisements posted on our website will be deactivated in 31 days. After this time, they will not be available for jobseekers to find.

If the 31-day period was not enough for you to find the human resource you are looking for, you can post your ad again by purchasing a product.

There are two ways to do so:

1.  Without modifying the ad: Upon logging in to your employer account, you will find your ads in the My advertisement menu. You cannot re-post active ads. You can choose any of the other ads to re-post. You will have to choose the icon called Post your ad again without modification in column Transactions next to the name of the position. Your advertisement will be shown on our website with the same details as before.

2. Modifying the Ad Upon logging in to your employer account, you will find your ads in the My advertisement menu. You cannot re-post active ads. You can choose any of the other ads to re-post. You will have to choose the icon called Copy in column Transactions next to the name of the position. Details given at the previous posting will be shown but you will be able to modify them.

Terms of the original ads will apply to re-posted ones.

Employers looking for employees on have several tools to choose from to find the workforce they need. The most popular of these is posting a job ad.

Ads posted on are accessible for 31 days. Jobseekers can find the ads by browsing or reading job alerts.

The price of an ad is based on the advertisement product and the efficiency-enhancing product chosen. Advertisement products also influence where the ad is displayed on the ad list page.

There are three ways to post a job ad:

  1. Using the online interface: You can post your ad online irrespective of which advertisement product you choose.  The website will take you through the relevant steps and will ask you to provide all necessary data.   Once this has been done, your ad can be activated within minutes for jobseekers to find.
  2. Emailing our editors: If you purchase our Classic, Optimum or Pro+ product, you can email the text of the ad in .doc or .dox format to Our editors can create the design of the advertisement which you can check and approve. This is done free of charge. Requests received before 5 pm will be dealt with the same day.
  3. Through XML channel: In this case, you only have to post your ad on your website.  Following an upgrade, we migrate it to Feel free to email for more information.

On the interface, you can search in several ways: you can search by position name, location, company name or you can select a job category or area.

  • In the case of a keyword search, the order of the ads available on the list page is primarily determined by the relevance of the keyword, and secondly by the time the ad was published/updated.
  • The order of the advertisements available on the category list pages is influenced by when the job advertisement was published/updated.
  • The visual display of the ads on the advertising list pages is determined by the service(s) ordered by the advertiser.


Did you not find the answer to your question, or do you have a suggestion or comment?
Contact us.

Telefonos ügyfélszolgálat

Telefonhívását munkanapokon 8:00 és 18:00 óra között fogadjuk a +36 (1) 224-2070 számon.

Hívást követően az alábbi lehetőségek közül tud választni:

1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

0-ás gomb: Ügyintéző kapcsolása

9-es gomb: Angol ügyintéző /
English speaking operator