Customer Service for Jobseekers

I am looking for a job

Profession. hu is home to a growing number of continuously updated job advertisements.

Click HERE for all active advertisements. You can even search by position, city or company name.

Several functions are here for you to help you find the job that suits you best here on

  • Advanced search: You can use the search box to select the jobs you are interested in. Setting your preferred conditions will result in the website showing you only those jobs that meet your expectations.
  • Job alert service: You can receive notifications of the latest jobs that might be of interest to you. These are chosen based on your settings.
  • Public profile in the CV database: If your profile is available in our CV database, not only you can look for jobs but employers using the database can contact you about open positions too. This solution can double your possibilities of looking for a job.

If you find the positions you like, you can always submit your application by clicking on the Apply button in the advertisement, which will be automatically forwarded to the company that placed the advertisement.

I am looking for a job

Frequently Asked Questions

For Computer For Mobile App

Our advanced search can help you in your job search. You can use the criteria you enter here to filter the job ads so that only those that match your requirements are listed.

You can find the job opportunities that are suitable for you based on the following criteria:

  1. Job position or professional skills: As a category or keyword, you can enter the position in which you would like to be employed.
  2. Location: You can set the working location. You may want to enter your place of residence or the city where you want to work.
  3. Education and experience: Here you can enter your highest level of education and how many years you have been working.
  4. Your language skills: You can specify your language skills here. We will send you the job offers where the required language knowledge that meets or lower than your language skill. You also have the option to configure the system so that we only post jobs that match your language level.
  5. Employment type: You can specify the type of jobs you are interested in.
  6. Working type: You can indicate which schedule you would prefer to work. The general work schedule corresponds to jobs with a fixed starting time of 8 hours.
  7. Benefits: You can choose the benefits you want to receive from the company.
  8. Driving license: You can choose the type of your driving license.
  9. Company details: If there is a company whose job offers are of particular interest to you, you will also find a setting for this in the interface.

Our advanced search can help you in your job search. You can do this in the Search menu in the app. You can use the criteria you enter here to filter the job ads so that only those that match your requirements are listed.

You can find the job opportunities that are suitable for you based on the following criteria:

  1. Position: As a keyword, you can enter the position in which you would like to be employed.
  2. Category: Here you can indicate which main categories or subcategories you are interested in.
  3. Location: You can set the working location. You may want to enter your place of residence or the city where you want to work.
  4. Qualifications: You can enter your highest qualification here.
  5. Language skills: Setting language skills. We will send you all job offers with the same or a lower level of language skills than the one you select here.
  6. Experience: You can indicate the number of years you have been working.
  7. Employment type: You can specify the type of jobs you are interested in.
  8. Working type: You can indicate which schedule you would prefer to work. The general work schedule corresponds to jobs with a fixed starting time of 8 hours.
  9. Benefits: From the options provided, you can select the extra benefits you would like to receive from your future employer.
  10. Current job postings by companies: You can specify the companies whose job advertisements you would like to receive information about. If you leave this field blank, you will be notified of all company advertisements.
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For Computer For Mobile App

If your CV profile status is set to public, you have more chances to find a job that matches your skills in this case, not just you can apply for jobs but companies using the CV database can also contact you about job opportunities.

If your CV profile is public, your data provided in the CV profile menu and your chosen documents are available in the database employers use for recruitment.

If your CV profile is private, only companies whose ads you have responded to can see your data.

If your CV profile status is set to public, you have more chances to find a job that matches your skills in this case, not just you can apply for jobs but companies using the CV database can also contact you about job opportunities.

If your CV profile is public, your data provided in the My profile menu and your chosen documents are available in the database employers use for recruitment.

If your CV profile is private, only companies whose ads you have responded to can see your data.

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For Computer For Mobile App

Employers expect the applications for job advertisements posted on the website online.

Should there be a phone number in the ad too, that means that the employer accepts applications by phone. If there is no phone number in the ad, you can only apply for the job by clicking the Apply button.

Employers expect the applications for job advertisements posted on the website online.

Should there be a phone number in the ad too, that means that the employer accepts applications by phone. If there is no phone number in the ad, you can only apply for the job by clicking the Apply button.

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For Computer For Mobile App

Job advertisements are posted on the website according to the employer’s specifications.

Therefore it is only the employer who can give more information on the details of the open jobs.

Should you have questions about the ad or the job, we recommend that you ask them in the cover letter section once you have clicked the Apply button. This is how you can make sure it will be delivered to the employer.

Job advertisements are posted on the website according to the employer’s specifications.

Therefore it is only the employer who can give more information on the details of the open jobs.

Should you have questions about the ad or the job, we recommend that you ask them in the cover letter section once you have clicked the Apply button. This is how you can make sure it will be delivered to the employer.

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Did you not find the answer to your question, or do you have a suggestion or comment?
Contact us.

Telefonos ügyfélszolgálat

Telefonhívását munkanapokon 8:00 és 18:00 óra között fogadjuk a +36 (1) 224-2070 számon.

Hívást követően az alábbi lehetőségek közül tud választni:

1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

0-ás gomb: Ügyintéző kapcsolása

9-es gomb: Angol ügyintéző /
English speaking operator