Customer Service for Jobseekers

The order of job advertisements on the list page

On the interface, you can search in several ways: you can search by position name, location, company name or you can select a job category or area.

  • In the case of a keyword search, the order of the ads available on the list page is primarily determined by the relevance of the keyword, and secondly by the time the ad was published/updated.
  • The order of the advertisements available on the category list pages is influenced by when the job advertisement was published/updated.
  • The visual display of the ads on the advertising list pages is determined by the service(s) ordered by the advertiser.
The order of job advertisements on the list page

Frequently Asked Questions

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Companies posting job advertisements can choose from five job advertisement types (Start, Start Premium, Classic, Optimum, Pro+). The type of ad affects where a job ad appears in order on the ad listing pages and how it looks visually.

In addition, advertisers have a special opportunity to highlight the job ad, either by giving the ad an extra mark (Career Tip tag) or by having it highlighted in a frame in one of the first two places on the list page.

Companies posting job advertisements can choose from five job advertisement types (Start, Start Premium, Classic, Optimum, Pro+). The type of ad affects where a job ad appears in order on the ad listing pages and how it looks visually.

In addition, advertisers have a special opportunity to highlight the job ad, either by giving the ad an extra mark (Career Tip tag) or by having it highlighted in a frame in one of the first two places on the list page.

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The date indicates the posting of the job advertisement or the updating of the job advertisement.

Marking Fresh next to the date means that the job advertisement was posted or updated within the last 1 hour.

The date indicates the posting of the job advertisement or the updating of the job advertisement.

Marking Fresh next to the date means that the job advertisement was posted or updated within the last 1 hour.

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The update is an independent service that is independent of any modification of the content of the ad. During the update, the ad receives a new date and is sorted forward in chronological order according to this date. Some types of job advertisements themselves include update option(s), but can also be ordered as a separate service.

As a result of the update service, the job advertisement is ranked higher on the result list pages. The updated job ads are preceded in order by the featured ads (maximum 2), the Pro+ ads published in the last 36 hours, and the Start Premium and Optimum job ads published in the last 24 hours.

The update is an independent service that is independent of any modification of the content of the ad. During the update, the ad receives a new date and is sorted forward in chronological order according to this date. Some types of job advertisements themselves include update option(s), but can also be ordered as a separate service.

As a result of the update service, the job advertisement is ranked higher on the result list pages. The updated job ads are preceded in order by the featured ads (maximum 2), the Pro+ ads published in the last 36 hours, and the Start Premium and Optimum job ads published in the last 24 hours.

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Order of job advertisements if you do not use keyword search:

  1. featured job advertisement with framed appearance (maximum 2);
  2. Pro+ ads published in the last 36 hours and Start Premium, Optimum job ads published in the last 24 hours in chronological order;
  3. other job advertisements in the chronological order of publication or update (during the update, the job advertisement receives a new date and is chronologically ordered according to this date).

Order of job advertisements if you use keyword search:

The ads that are most relevant based on the keyword are displayed at the beginning of the results list page. The relevance of the keyword is influenced by the number of times the given keyword or its synonym appears in the ad, as well as which part of the ad contains it. Ads that contain the keyword or its synonym in the position name itself (and not in the ad text itself) are most relevant. Equally relevant ads are displayed in chronological order of appearance or update.

Order of job advertisements if you do not use keyword search:

  1. featured job advertisement with framed appearance (maximum 2);
  2. Pro+ ads published in the last 36 hours and Start Premium, Optimum job ads published in the last 24 hours in chronological order;
  3. other job advertisements in the chronological order of publication or update (during the update, the job advertisement receives a new date and is chronologically ordered according to this date).

Order of job advertisements if you use keyword search:

The ads that are most relevant based on the keyword are displayed at the beginning of the results list page. The relevance of the keyword is influenced by the number of times the given keyword or its synonym appears in the ad, as well as which part of the ad contains it. Ads that contain the keyword or its synonym in the position name itself (and not in the ad text itself) are most relevant. Equally relevant ads are displayed in chronological order of appearance or update.

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Job ads with a Career Tip! tag are not displayed individually, but uniformly, this is a visual highlight visible to everyone. This designation appears on the job advertisement if the advertiser ordered Start Premium type advertisement or has ordered a separate, unique highlight.

The job advertisements marked with a framed highlight appear at the top of the advertisement list (maximum 2) on the list pages for a given job category or a given county/town and its surroundings. The advertiser can request such highlighting of the job advertisement for a separate fee.

A Pro+ and Optimum job ads are displayed with a blue background, with the difference that the Pro+ ad type box is larger on a desktop.

The Classic, Start, and Start Premium job advertisements are displayed with a white background.

Job ads with a Career Tip! tag are not displayed individually, but uniformly, this is a visual highlight visible to everyone. This designation appears on the job advertisement if the advertiser ordered Start Premium type advertisement or has ordered a separate, unique highlight.

The job advertisements marked with a framed highlight appear at the top of the advertisement list (maximum 2) on the list pages for a given job category or a given county/town and its surroundings. The advertiser can request such highlighting of the job advertisement for a separate fee.

A Pro+ and Optimum job ads are displayed with a blue background, with the difference that the Pro+ ad type box is larger on a desktop.

The Classic, Start, and Start Premium job advertisements are displayed with a white background.

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If you see on an ad that the advertiser is looking for several (2-10) employees, it means that they are looking for candidates for several open positions in the same job. And the inscription 10+ indicates that the advertiser wants to employ more than ten people in the same position. Marking can be ordered as a separate service.

If you see on an ad that the advertiser is looking for several (2-10) employees, it means that they are looking for candidates for several open positions in the same job. And the inscription 10+ indicates that the advertiser wants to employ more than ten people in the same position. Marking can be ordered as a separate service.

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Advertisers have the option to purchase a separate advertising space:

  • to get a prominent appearance on the opening page as an employer offering job opportunities,
  • or promote a job advertisement, HR event, employer branding content or other similar content related to the job search in an advertising banner.

These advertisements are indicated by the inscription hirdetés and appear uniformly for all users on the opening page or on a subpage of the job category chosen by the advertiser. The content of the advertisements available on the interface cannot contain commercial ad.


Advertisers have the option to purchase a separate advertising space:

  • to get a prominent appearance on the opening page as an employer offering job opportunities,
  • or promote a job advertisement, HR event, employer branding content or other similar content related to the job search in an advertising banner.

These advertisements are indicated by the inscription hirdetés and appear uniformly for all users on the opening page or on a subpage of the job category chosen by the advertiser. The content of the advertisements available on the interface cannot contain commercial ad.

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Telefonhívását munkanapokon 8:00 és 18:00 óra között fogadjuk a +36 (1) 224-2070 számon.

Hívást követően az alábbi lehetőségek közül tud választni:

1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

0-ás gomb: Ügyintéző kapcsolása

9-es gomb: Angol ügyintéző /
English speaking operator