Customer Service for Jobseekers

I do not wish to receive job alerts

If you do not wish to receive job notifications, you have two options:

  1. turning off job alerts: they will not be deleted, just temporarily suspended, you can restart receiving them anytime;
  2. unsubscribing from job alerts: delete alerts from your account permanently. You can unsubscribe via your user account and by contacting our customer support.

Once you unsubscribe, our system will not send you any more job alerts, only if you set up a new one. If you just turn off job alerts, you can turn them back on later, but we will not send job alerts to your email address until you do.

I do not wish to receive job alerts

Frequently Asked Questions

For Computer For Mobile App

When you turn off job alerts, they will not be deleted, just suspended, you can restart receiving them anytime. If you want to receive job alerts again later, you can turn it back on at any time, making it quick and easy to use the service again.

It is important to note that you can manage job alerts separately, so you can turn off one job alert while keeping two others active.

To turn off job alerts, log in to your account and go to the Job Alerts menu.

Click on the pencil icon of the job alert, then on the next page, under Setting job alerts, uncheck both the E-mail and Push notifications options. Then click the Save button at the bottom of the page to turn the alert off.

If a job alert is sent to your email address and you click the Unsubscribe button in the email, the job alert will also be deactivated.

Notifications that are turned off will appear fainter than active ones in the user account.

When you turn off job alerts, they will not be deleted, just suspended, you can restart receiving them anytime. If you want to receive job alerts again later, you can turn it back on at any time, making it quick and easy to use the service again.

It is important to note that you can manage job alerts separately, so you can turn off one job alert while keeping two others active.

To switch off the job alerts, log in to your user account in the application and open the Notifications menu.

Click Set job alerts, then click the pencil icon for that notification. In the pop-up window, uncheck both the Notify Me by Mobile and Notify Me by Email options. Then select the Save button at the bottom of the window to turn off the notification.

Notifications that are turned off will appear fainter than active ones in the application.

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For Computer For Mobile App

Log in to your user account. You can view your existing notifications in the Job alerts menu. Clicking the pencil icon, you can check the settings of the job alert. Clicking on Delete job alert at the bottom of the page, you can delete them.

In the mobile app, choose Job alerts within the Notifications menu.  Clicking the pencil icon, tick I delete this notification in the popup window.

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If you do not wish to receive further electronic marketing messages, you can unsubscribe from them after successfully logging in to your account by going to Settings/Notification settings.

If you do not wish to receive further electronic marketing messages, you can unsubscribe by selecting Settings in the Notifications menu after successfully logging into your account.

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Unsubscribing from job alerts will take 72 hours, so you may receive a message in your email in the hours after you unsubscribe. You will not receive any further notifications after 72 hours.

Unsubscribing from job alerts will take 72 hours, so you may receive a message in your email in the hours after you unsubscribe. You will not receive any further notifications after 72 hours.

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Contact us.

Telefonos ügyfélszolgálat

Telefonhívását munkanapokon 8:00 és 18:00 óra között fogadjuk a +36 (1) 224-2070 számon.

Hívást követően az alábbi lehetőségek közül tud választni:

1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

0-ás gomb: Ügyintéző kapcsolása

9-es gomb: Angol ügyintéző /
English speaking operator