Employer Customer Service

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – List of applicants

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – List of applicants

Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Review the profiles of candidates and decide if they meet the requirements of the job advertisement.
  2. Sort out the applicants:
    1. Candidates who meet the requirements of the advertisement – and whom you would like to contact – should be marked with the heart icon. Or you can grab them from the list page and drag them to the Suitable candidates page!
    2. Mark candidates who do not meet the requirements of the job advertisement with the crossed out circle icon. Or you can grab them from the list page and drag them to the Unsuitable applicants list.
  3. Contact the applicants as soon as possible.
    1. You can find the matching candidates in the Suitable candidates section.
    2. Contact the applicants as soon as possible. Send a rejection message to unsuitable applicants. You can use our pre-written rejection template message.
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  • New applicants, and those for whom you have not yet set a status can be found on the list page.
  • Candidates who have previously been placed in Unsuitable status can be found below, in the Unsuitable applicants list.
  • Candidates for whom you have already set a status are listed in the Suitable applicants list (except applicants with Unsuitable status).
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Previously set statuses can be found in the Suitable applicants menu (top right).

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Applicants for which you have previously set the status to Rejected are listed in the Rejected column on the Suitable applicants page.

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No. In the Applicant Tracking System, no automatic notifications of any listing or status setting will be sent to the candidate. If you wish to contact the applicant, please send them a message!

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Click on the name of the applicant! The documents are available in the Download documents box on the candidate’s profile page.

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Details of candidates applying for positions are available in the Applicant Tracking System for 90 days from the date of application.

This is in full compliance with the EU Data Protection Regulation.

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This value shows the percentage of candidates who meet the expectations set out in the advertisement. The system automatically compares the candidate’s details (e.g. education, work experience, language skills, etc.) with the requirements in the job advertisement. The accuracy of the value depends largely on the completeness of the candidate’s Profession profile.

The system does not check the attached CV documents.

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If you want to perform actions with more than one applicant, use the checkbox to select the applicants. You can select all applicants at once.

The bulk functions will then become active in the bar at the bottom of the page:

  • sending a message,
  • placing on a list of Suitable applicants,
  • placing on a list of Unsuitable applicants.
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Go back to the My advertisement menu and open  the selected job advertisement. On the next page, click on the Export applicants button.

The data of all applicants (except cancelled applicants) will be displayed in a .csv file (name, status, date of application, location, e-mail, phone number, note, net salary expectation).

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If a company has an active job advertisement on Profession.hu and sends at least 65% of the applicants to the job advertisement(s) at least once through Profession.hu’s Application Management System (ATS), will receive the Excellent Contact badge.

Each day from the date of posting the job advertisement, we will check whether the above condition has been met in the previous 90 days and display/not display the Badge accordingly.

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The Excellent Contact badge is displayed alongside the company’s job advertisements on the job listing page, on the page of the job advertisement and in the newsletter sent to employees. The Badge tells jobseekers that they have a high chance of getting a response from the company. This gives employees a greater sense of confidence and they are more likely to apply for the job advertisement.

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A yellow dot appears on the profile picture of applicants whose profile has been viewed but who have not yet received a message.

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Contact us.

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1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

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