Employer Customer Service

Posting ads

Employers looking for employees on Profession.hu have several tools to choose from to find the workforce they need. The most popular of these is posting a job ad.

Ads posted on Profession.hu are accessible for 31 days. Jobseekers can find the ads by browsing Profession.hu or reading job alerts.

The price of an ad is based on the advertisement product and the efficiency-enhancing product chosen. Advertisement products also influence where the ad is displayed on the ad list page.

There are three ways to post a job ad:

  1. Using the online interface: You can post your ad online irrespective of which advertisement product you choose.  The website will take you through the relevant steps and will ask you to provide all necessary data.   Once this has been done, your ad can be activated within minutes for jobseekers to find.
  2. Emailing our editors: If you purchase our Classic, Optimum or Pro+ product, you can email the text of the ad in .doc or .dox format to hirdetes@profession.hu. Our editors can create the design of the advertisement which you can check and approve. This is done free of charge. Requests received before 5 pm will be dealt with the same day.
  3. Through XML channel: In this case, you only have to post your ad on your website.  Following an upgrade, we migrate it to Profession.hu. Feel free to email xml@profession.hu for more information.
Posting ads

Frequently Asked Questions

For Computer For Mobile App

If you wish to post an advertisement on Profession.hu, you can choose from five products.

Advertisement Product Start

  • You can only post ads related to manual or skilled labour. The ad will be displayed on Profession.hu and thousands of its partner websites for 31 days. A free Applicant Tracking System is included in the product to manage the applications for the position.

Advertisement Product Start Premium

  • You can only post ads related to manual or skilled labour. The ad will be displayed on Profession.hu and thousands of its partner websites for 31 days. 3 automatic updates and a free Applicant Tracking System are included in the product to manage the applications for the position.

Advertisement Product Classic

  • You can post ads related to all kinds of job openings. The ad will be displayed on Profession.hu and thousands of its partner websites for 31 days. It is recommended to use it for positions easy to fill. In addition to the free Applicant Tracking System and the presence on partner sites, it includes one automatic update.

Advertisement Product Optimum

  • You can post ads related to all kinds of job openings. It is recommended to use it for positions moderately difficult to fill. In addition to the free Applicant Tracking System and the presence on partner sites, it includes 4 automatic updates, as well as pre-ranking and displaying the ad in visual highlights on our listing pages.

Advertisement Product Pro+

  • You can post ads related to all kinds of job openings. It is recommended to use it for positions difficult to fill. In addition to the free Applicant Tracking System and the presence on partner sites, it includes 5 automatic updates, as well as pre-ranking and displaying the ad in visual highlights on our listing pages. The offer also includes an eDM Light product and paid social media access.

More information on advertising products and the differences between them can be found HERE.

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For Computer For Mobile App

In the case of a simple application, jobseekers do not have to attach a CV to their application. This is something you can set if you tick the box I don’t require any documents for the applications at Required documents section.

If no attached document is required, it makes it easier for jobseekers to apply. This is especially helpful when someone uses a mobile device.

This is recommended for positions for which CVs are less important than the ease of application. For these ads, jobseekers have to provide their phone number to apply to make sure you can contact them.  These ads are marked to let jobseekers know that they can apply for them in this simple way.

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For Computer For Mobile App

XML is an automatic way of publishing advertisements. In this case, our clients only have to post the ad on their website. We will then automatically copy it to Profession.hu, and it will be activated instantly.

New advertisements are displayed on our website every hour without any time spent on administration or any extra energy.  This can be achieved with a simple upgrade.

If you choose to use this channel, the ad will be accessible for 31 days, and all your advertisements can be tracked in Profession.hu’s employer account.

For more information, please email xml@profession.hu.

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For Computer For Mobile App

There is an Apply button in all ads on Profession.hu for the jobseekers to click and send their application to the employers.  The Apply button is linked to the email address or the career page link given during the posting of the ad.

There are two ways the application can be sent once the button is clicked:

  1. Through Profession.hu: In this case, the jobseeker stays on our website, and completes the application process. The application will then be shown in the Applicant Tracking System, and an email will be sent to the email address given. Details and documents of the jobseeker can be accessed in the employer account.
  2. Through career link: Instead of an email address, the Apply button can also be linked to a career link. In this case, the jobseeker will be redirected to the employer’s career page to complete the application process. In this case, the jobseeker’s profile and data will only flow to the applicant tracking system if they are logged in their Profession.hu user account when they click the Apply button.

Phone numbers and email addresses are not allowed to be displayed in ads posted on Profession.hu. Hence jobseekers can only apply for positions online by clicking the Apply button.

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For Computer For Mobile App

The turn-around time of posting an ad depends on your choice of method of posting and means of payment.

  1. If our editors create the ad (hirdetes@profession.hu), you can expect it via email together with an order sample a couple of hours after you email us. Ad posting requests emailed before 5 pm will be processed the same working day. If your company does not have to pay upfront, the ad can be activated immediately after you check and approve the design and the order. Otherwise, you will receive a proforma invoice so that you can make payment. It is recommended to email the payment certificate to penzugy@profession.hu. If you do so, your ad will be activated in a short period.
  2. If you post the ad online and your company does not have to pay upfront, the ad can be displayed immediately after it has been finalised. Otherwise, you will receive a proforma invoice so that you can make payment. It is recommended to email the payment certificate to penzugy@profession.hu. If you do so, your ad will be activated in a short period.
  3. If you use an XML channel, your ad will be displayed on Profession.hu within an hour of it being posted on the career page.
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Hívást követően az alábbi lehetőségek közül tud választni:

1-es gomb: Munkaadók, álláshirdetők

  • 1.1Szolgáltatás megrendelése
  • 1.2Általános tájékoztatás árakról, feladott hirdetésekről
  • 1.3Számlázási kérdések

2-es gomb: Munkavállalók, álláskeresők

  • 2.1Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiókba történő belépésről
  • 2.2Tájékoztató az álláshirdetésre történő jelentkezésről
  • 2.3Tájékoztató a felhasználói fiók beállításáról

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